List of Local Government Areas in Abia State with Headquarters

Abia State, situated in the southeastern part of Nigeria, is celebrated for its vibrant cultural heritage and promising economic prospects. The state is delineated into seventeen Local Government Areas (LGAs), each with its designated administrative headquarters. This article delves into the LGAs of Abia State, offering insights into their respective headquarters.

Abia State Overview

  • Total Land Area: 4,900 Km²
  • Capital: Umuahia
  • Population: 3,934,157 (Male: 2,006,420; Female: 1,927,737)
  • Vegetation: Tropical Rainforest and Savannah
  • Major Crops: Cocoa, Rice, Plantain, Maize, Cocoyam, Oil Palm, Cassava, Cashew, Rubber, and Plantain
  • Solid Minerals: Iron Ore, Kaolin, Limestone, and Gypsum
  • Agricultural Zones: Aba, Umuahia, and Bende

Abia has 17 Local Government Areas (LGAs), each with its own unique characteristics and attributes. These LGAs play a crucial role in the governance and administration of the state. Here is a list of the 17 Local Government Areas in Abia State:

  1. Aba North LGA
  2. Aba South LGA
  3. Arochukwu LGA
  4. Bende LGA
  5. Ikwuano LGA
  6. Isiala Ngwa North LGA
  7. Isiala Ngwa South LGA
  8. Isuikwuato LGA
  9. Obi Ngwa LGA
  10. Ohafia LGA
  11. Osisioma Ngwa LGA
  12. Ugwunagbo LGA
  13. Ukwa East LGA
  14. Ukwa West LGA
  15. Umuahia North LGA
  16. Umuahia South LGA
  17. Umu Nneochi LGA

List of Abia State 17 Local Government Areas with Headquarters

S/NLocal Government AreasHeadquarters
1Aba NorthApumiri Ubakala
2Aba SouthAba
5IkwuanoIsiala Oboro
6Isiala Ngwa NorthOkpuala Ngwa
7Isiala Ngwa SouthOmoba
9Obi NgwaObohia
10OhafiaEbem Ohafia
11Osisioma NgwaOsisioma
13Ukwa EastOkeikpe
14Ukwa WestUkpumiri
15Umuahia NorthUmuahia
16Umuahia SouthUmuahia
17Umu NneochiUmuneochi
List of Abia State 17 Local Government Areas with Headquarters

These LGAs, with their respective headquarters, are responsible for local administration, infrastructure development, education, healthcare, and other basic services within their jurisdictions. They play a vital role in the overall governance and development of Abia State.

For more information about each LGA, you can visit the official website of the Abia State Government (, where you can find detailed information about the LGAs, their history, demographics, and ongoing projects.

It’s important to note that the headquarters mentioned above are subject to change or relocation due to administrative decisions or developmental projects. Therefore, it is advisable to consult official government sources for the most up-to-date information.

In conclusion, Abia State comprises seventeen Local Government Areas, each with its own administrative headquarters. These LGAs are responsible for local governance and service delivery. Understanding the structure and organization of these LGAs is crucial for anyone interested in the affairs of Abia State and its local communities.

List of Languages in Abia Local Government Areas

Local Government AreasLanguages
ArochukwuIgbo, Ibibio
Umuahia SouthIgbo
Umuahia NorthIgbo
Ukwa WestAsa
Aba SouthNgwa
Aba NorthNgwa
Isiala Ngwa NorthNgwa
Isiala Ngwa SouthNgwa
Ukwa EastNdoki
List of Languages in Abia Local Government Areas

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is based on the knowledge cutoff of January 2025. Please verify with official sources for any recent updates or changes.

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I am a geography and urban planning enthusiast with extensive experience in Nigeria’s postal system. Thank you for joining me in simplifying the mailing process in Nigeria!

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