Abia State Population by Local Government Area (2025)

By 2025, Abia State is expected to have a population of around 4.8 million people. This projection is based on Nigeria’s consistent annual population growth rate of 2.5% to 3%, starting from the last official census in 2006, which recorded the state’s population at 2.8 million. Key drivers of this growth include high birth rates and rapid urbanization, particularly in major cities like Aba and Umuahia, which continue to attract people seeking better opportunities.

How Has Abia State’s Population Evolved Over Time?

Abia State’s population has experienced significant growth over the decades, shaped by natural demographic trends and socio-economic developments. The first official census in 1991 recorded the state’s population at approximately 2.3 million. Although this census faced criticism for potential inaccuracies and undercounting, it provided a foundational benchmark for understanding population trends in the region.

By 2006, the population had risen to about 2.8 million, reflecting a steady increase. This growth was largely attributed to advancements in healthcare, which reduced mortality rates, and a high fertility rate among the Igbo population, who constitute around 95% of the state’s residents. Improved access to basic amenities and services also played a role in supporting this upward trend.

In 2017, estimates suggested the population had further increased to approximately 3.8 million, maintaining an annual growth rate of 2.5% to 3%. This consistent growth pattern highlights the state’s youthful demographic structure and the ongoing impact of high birth rates. By 2025, the population is projected to reach 4.8 million, continuing the trajectory of steady growth observed over the years.

Abia State Population Distribution By Local Government Areas

Abia State Population overview
Abia State Population overview

Abia State is divided into 17 Local Government Areas (LGAs), each with its unique population dynamics. Below is a breakdown of the projected population for each LGA in 2025:

NoLocal Government AreaPopulation Projection (2025)
1Aba North159,842
2Aba South631,478
6Isiala-Ngwa North229,654
7Isiala-Ngwa South200,312
9Obi Ngwa269,432
11Osisioma Ngwa329,564
13Ukwa East85,293
14Ukwa West129,856
15Umuahia North329,672
16Umuahia South204,517

Demographic Profile Of Abia State In 2025

Age Distribution

Age GroupPopulationPercentage
Children (0-14 years)1.8 million40%
Working Age (15-64 years)2.5 million55%
Elderly (65 years and above)225,0005%

Gender Distribution

Male2.16 million48%
Female2.34 million52%

Ethnic Composition

Ethnic GroupPercentage Of Population
Igbo People95%
Minority Groups5%

Religious Affiliation

ReligionPercentage Of Population
Traditional Religions10%
Other Religions5%

Urban And Rural Population Distribution

AreaPopulation Percentage
Urban Areas20.5%
Rural Areas79.5%

source: abiastate.gov.ng

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I am a geography and urban planning enthusiast with extensive experience in Nigeria’s postal system. Thank you for joining me in simplifying the mailing process in Nigeria!

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